Getting Back Into the Routine

Summer Holidays are coming to an end and that means getting back into your workout routine. Many of you have been lounging by the beach, having backyard bbqs an just enjoying the summer. Now you need to get the kids to school, pack lunges, walk the dog and get back into some sort of routine. Let us look at some ways to get you back into a workout routine.

1) Don’t wait – it is easy to say this week is busy and i will wait until next week but getting back into some kind of workout routine is key. Maybe not your usual 1 hour workout but maybe a quick 20 minute session at home or the gym. Something like

10 squats

10 pushups and a

400 meter run  for 5 or 6 rounds

These quick workouts are a great way to get started and get into some sort of routine.

2) Do not stress the small stuff – life is going to be busy and it will be easy to stress about missing a workout. Do not do that, missing a workout will not make or break your new fall goals. If something pops up and you cannot train do not worry, instead go on with your day and get back on track next week.

3) Get your rest – Many of you are probably starting to get the kids in bed but are you getting to bed yourself. Rest is key to get in shape and ignoring your rest will make this stretch more stressful meaning the work you do will give you less results. Start getting your rest by going to bed and getting your 7 hours of sleep.

The holidays are always a blast but getting back into a routine this fall will make things easier.

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